Contact The Next Step

Contact Pam

Pam no longer offers client consultations, but you can purchase an inexpensive astrology forecast from the Free Birthchart page on this website.

Please note Pam does not write this. This is a computerised analysis.

Thanks for your interest in my work.

I simply upload the content to Gumroad, and they handle all the technical and customer enquiries. Please write to they will be able to help you.

They are on Californian time, so 8 hours behind the UK, but once they pick up your message, they are very responsive.

Pam is already very heavily booked over the coming months, but may be available for interview if the opportunity and audience feel appropriate.

She does not accept requests for other people to be interviewed on her channel, as she wants to keep her content closely allied to astrology. She asks for your understanding of this.

Please watch this video which explains it:
Pam receives around 2,000 messages and e-mails a day before her daily work schedule begins, and therefore it simply isn’t possible for her to read all of these, and she rarely has the time to reply to any of them. Pam is very grateful for you interest in her work, but please only write to her if this is very important. She needs to keep her own frequency high in order to continue to help the collective, and she thanks you for your understanding and interest in her work. Thank you for being with her on this journey.

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